Friday 17 May 2013


Mostly, Hannah and I listen to Country music, Dan listens to talk radio, but Logan has chosen Rock n Roll as his music of choice.  Specifically, any rendition of "We Will Rock You".

Dan played the trombone in high school, I played the flute in middle school, Michelle tried the flute for awhile, Kim was interested in piano, Hannah chose the cello but when I asked Logan what instrument he would be interested in taking, he decidedly and immediately proclaimed the drums.  Inner cringing aside at the thought of the racket an 11-year-old could produce  "practicing" the drum, I outwardly supported his choice with a strained smile.

Last night at Hannah's final orchestra performance, there were certain pieces where percussionists and some woodwinds accompanied the Intermediate orchestra.  Seriously good music.  As Logan endured through the two hour production, I asked if he thought he would like to play the drums like we were hearing in the middle school rendition of a more than decent "Les Miserable" mash-up.

"No, I want to play like a rock star."

Well, as long as he doesn't party like one, I'll be could happen.

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